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Sedation Dentistry at Carstairs Dental

General Dentists at Carstairs Dental understand just how nerve-wracking a trip to the dentist can be for some peopleIf an adult had a frightening dental experience as a young child; it’s only normal to feel apprehension when faced with having dental treatment.  Knowing that dentistry has advanced significantly over the past decade doesn’t help an anxious dental patient – as the mere thought of sitting in the dental chair can induce a sense of panic and fear.

At Carstairs Dental patients are given the option of Sedation Dentistry to help alleviate nerves and anxiety that can be triggered by dental smells, sounds, and memories.  Conscious Oral Sedation is a safe and effective method of inducing a state of calm and relaxation, while still remaining conscious and able to respond to the dental team during a procedure.


Sedation Dentistry utilizes the sedative effects of different drugs – drugs that are trusted and proven to have an amnesic effect – which is advantageous when it comes to helping patients with a lifetime of ‘bad dental experiences’ overcome their dread of seeing the dentist.

Dr. Jagatjit Dhillon, Dr. Justin Bhullar, and Dr. Herbert Ng are General Dentists who have many years of experience administering and overseeing the use of Sedation Dentistry and can attest to the many benefits it provides patients.  When a patient is Sedated during Dental Treatment the dentist and his team can work more effectively and efficiently – as they do not have to deal with a patient’s extreme nerves or anxiety.  When a patient has a relaxed treatment it becomes easier for everyone concerned.

Patients who receive Sedation Dentistry at Carstairs Dental express relief knowing that their dental care is not compromised due to avoiding dental appointments.  They also note that they feel more comfortable both during and after treatment – as jaw, neck, and shoulder muscles remain relaxed – and tension headaches that often accompany nervousness are no longer an issue.

Schedule an appointment today!

If you have been avoiding seeing the dentist due to fear, anxiety, and nerves – contact Carstairs Dental today and discover just how comfortable dental appointments can be with the help of a Sedation Dentist in Carstairs Alberta.