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dry socket prevention tips


Has your wisdom tooth been removed recently? Are you suffering from a dry socket? A dry socket is actually inflammation occurring within an empty tooth socket. This dental state can spring up after the tooth extraction procedure.

How Does A Dry Socket Develop?

Basically, you can find that after a wisdom tooth removal, a blood clot is created over the tooth socket. The blood clot guards the nerve endings present in the bone. And this is a natural thing of the healing procedure.

At certain times, the blood clot either doesn’t create or becomes dislodged. And simply because of these reasons, the bone and nerves present in the socket get totally exposed to bacterial attack. A dry socket takes so much time to heal, and there can be acute pain.



  • There will be no blood clot formation in the socket
  • Acute pain in the gum or jaw
  • There is a probability that the bone may get exposed at the extraction area
  • Release bad breath
  • Intense pain in the ears
  • Extremely bad taste coming from the socket
  • The pain slowly spreads throughout your face

How to Prevent Dry Socket?

To avoid a dry socket is not that hard.  The American Dental Association (ADA) clearly says that an individual should not do the following in order to avoid a dry socket:

  • Creating suction: If you smoke or take a straw to drink, it can develop suction. This, in fact, may lose your clot and the healing process will be delayed. Do not do all these for a minimum of one week.
  • Smoking: Smoking delays your healing procedure and also raises your blood pressure, and this results in profuse bleeding. Chemicals such as nicotine minimize blood flow in the mouth and may interrupt clotting.
  • Hard Food and Carbonated Drinks: Have only soft or liquid food items for a couple of days. Keep yourself hydrated always. Do not eat hot food/drinks or chew sticky, spicy, and crunchy foods.
  • Spitting: Try to avoid spitting completely for the first few days post-surgery.
  • Chewing from the same side: Start chewing on the side of your mouth opposite to the extraction site for a few days so that you do not disturb the clotting.
  • Vigorous mouth rinsing: Never rinse your mouth too vigorously after extraction as this may put pressure and will obviously disturb the blood clot.
  • Alcohol: For the first 24 hours after the removal process, stay away completely from alcoholic beverages or do not use mouthwash that contains alcohol. If you do not follow this, there is a high risk that the blood clot will become dislodged. 
  • Physical activity: Give yourself some proper rest. You should not perform any kind of strenuous activity for the initial 24 hours after surgery. This helps to lessen bleeding and also forms a blood clot.
  • Poor Hygiene: You can wash the extraction part only after 24 hours of the surgery. Allow the blood clot to develop. You can certainly brush the rest of your teeth and clean your tongue as well.  Gently clean your mouth the next day by using an antibacterial mouthwash.
  • Don’t poke into the gap developed after the tooth removal with your tongue, toothpick, finger, tissue, or any kind of stuff. It delays the healing stage. 
  • Visit your Dentist: Don’t skip your dental visit at the scheduled time.

Get the care!

You can get in touch with Carstairs Dental if you are looking to receive the best wisdom teeth extraction in Carstairs, AB. Our dentist in Carstairs will provide you the best treatment and also give after-care tips so that you don’t experience a dry socket. We’re just a call away. 

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