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how to get rid of tooth sensitivity

Find Out The 7 Ways To Get Rid Of Tooth Sensitivity

Do typical activities like eating, drinking, and brushing cause you to experience discomfort in your teeth? If that’s the case, you’ve probably thought about how you might alleviate your sensitive teeth’ discomfort. A variety of issues can lead to sensitive teeth. Fortunately, there are effective methods for reducing tooth discomfort. Some of these options are simple to implement at home. The best Carstairs dentist has come up with 10 effective ways to deal with sensitive teeth.

Go through the sections below to find out about this topic in detail. 


1. Use a toothpaste that is specially formulated for sensitive teeth

It is advisable to use a toothpaste developed specifically for treating dental sensitivity can be beneficial. The majority of these kinds of toothpaste contain an agent that fills microscopic gaps in your enamel and dentin for a short period of time. This minimizes the amount of time your teeth’ sensitive nerves are exposed.

2. Only brush your teeth using soft toothbrushes

Changing your toothbrush is an easy way to get relief from sore teeth. You may be exacerbating your issue if you use a toothbrush with stiff bristles. Stiff bristles and abrasive toothpaste are hard on enamel, causing small holes and increased sensitivity. They can also exacerbate gum recession, exposing dentin and causing painful nerves. To retain the surface of your teeth and maintain gum integrity, use a soft bristles toothbrush and make sure to be really gentle while brushing.  

3. You might try wearing a mouthguard at night

Grinding your teeth at night can sometimes be the primary reason for sensitive teeth. This is known as bruxism. If this is a concern for you, your dentist can take impressions of your teeth and create a bespoke mouth guard to wear at night. This guard protects teeth from harm caused by nightly grinding by absorbing pressure and preventing damage.

4. Having your gums examined by a dentist is a good idea

Tooth sensitivity can be caused by diseased or receding gums. The areas of teeth with no enamel (below the gum line) become exposed as the gum tissue breaks down and slides away from the tooth surface. This leaves nerves vulnerable and might result in substantial discomfort. Examine your gums with your dentist to ensure you don’t have any gum disease that requires treatment. Gum health protects teeth and reduces sensitivity.

5. Make a mouthwash with saltwater

Tooth sensitivity can be immediately alleviated by using a mouthwash made of salt and water. The alkaline environment created by saltwater balances the pH level inside the mouth, reducing bacterial development. In the process, it also helps to eliminate plaque. Mix two teaspoons of salt with a cup of warm water to make a saltwater rinse. Until your sensitivity improves, use this rinse in the morning and at night.

6. You can try oil pulling

Coconut oil can assist if you have sensitive teeth due to bacterial overgrowth. Oil pulling is when you swish liquified coconut oil around in your mouth. This cure has been utilized as an oral health aid for many years. Coconut oil inhibits the formation of bacteria in the mouth, breaks down plaque on teeth, and eliminates germs and toxins from the gum surface.

Teeth sensitivity is reduced as a result of healthier gums and teeth. Over time, it can help whiten and shine your teeth. A spoonful of heated coconut oil is all that is required. This is swished around for 20 seconds in the mouth before being spit out. You’re on your way to a healthy mouth if you finish with a warm water rinse.

7. Foods and beverages that cause problems should be avoided

Some foods and beverages might aggravate sensitive teeth. To lessen sensitive teeth, these should be ingested in moderation or avoided totally. Coffee, citrus, pickles, and sodas, among other acidic foods and beverages, can aggravate tooth sensitivity. If you have sensitive teeth when you eat, you may want to reduce or eliminate certain foods from your diet. Extremely hot or freezing foods and liquids should also be avoided, as they might cause dental discomfort.

We hope that you know have an idea about how to get rid of tooth sensitivity. If, adopting any of these measures doesn’t yield any positive results, get in touch with our dentist in Carstairs. We are fortunate to have the best Carstairs dentist who is capable of dealing with any sort of dental problem. Call us today!

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