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Restorative Dentistry Carstairs Dental Clinic Alberta

Restorative Dentistry

What Is Restorative Dentistry?

The term “restorative dentistry” refers to any treatment that is used to restore missing or damaged tooth structure and support the natural function of remaining teeth. These treatments are typically not related directly to a specific dental condition but are techniques that can be done as part of a treatment plan in order to prevent the progression of dental disease.

A wide range of treatments exists in restorative dentistry, including fillings, crowns, bridges, and root canals. This article will focus primarily on restorative dentistry techniques involving filling material and porcelain veneers, while specialty techniques like root canal therapy will not be discussed in detail.

Who Needs Restorative Dentistry?

Restorative dentistry in Carstairs can be used to treat several different dental problems. The goal of any restorative treatment is to remove the signs of tooth decay, restore esthetics and function, and prevent further deterioration of the treated teeth. Restorative treatments can also help close spaces between teeth and improve the look of your smile. Some common reasons for restorative treatments include:

  • Cavities/tooth decay
  • Damaged or broken teeth
  • Missing teeth


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Difference Between Restorative Dentistry and Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry in Carstairs, AB, refers to those dental treatments that are intended to alter the appearance of teeth and/or gums. In contrast, restorative dentistry refers to any dental treatment done with the primary purpose of repairing or restoring damaged or diseased tooth structure and supporting teeth remaining in an individual’s mouth.

Why Is Restorative Dentistry Important?

Restoring your teeth before dental problems progress can help prevent more serious damage and expensive procedures. It is always important to treat cavities, gum disease, and worn or broken teeth as soon as possible.

What Are the Different Restorative Dentistry Techniques?

  • Filling material: Restorations that are used to fill in a missing tooth structure. Fillings include amalgams (metal), compomer (plastic), and composites (tooth-colored fillings). These different restoration options tend to last from 3-12 years, depending on the size of the filling and how well it is cared for.
  • Dental Crowns: Restorations that are used to close spaces between other teeth, or where a tooth has been lost. Crowns include metal or porcelain crowns.
  • Bridges: Restorations that are used to connect two teeth and restore the normal bite relationship of the teeth. Dental bridges can also be placed in front of certain opposing teeth to provide strong support. The goal of a bridge is to fully restore your smile back to its original shape after accidents, injuries, or tooth loss.
  • Inlays and Onlays: Restorations that are used to restore a lost tooth structure in the back of the mouth, such as molars and premolars.
  • Root canal therapy: Also known as endodontics, a special procedure that is usually performed to treat infections inside the tooth pulp. The goal of root canal therapy is to save the natural tooth structure and prevent the spread of infection.
  • Dental implants: A surgical solution that is placed into the bone around the tooth or teeth to replace or preserve a missing tooth. The artificial tooth roots can then be attached to the bone, thus allowing for a stable and long-lasting restoration.
  • Dentures: A removable prosthetic appliance for the teeth that are missing. Denture replacements are worn in the mouth like teeth and are available in a variety of materials and designs. They may only be placed when absolutely necessary to replace lost teeth, or as part of a complete denture restoration.

Benefits of Restorative Dentistry

  1. Restore function- The goal of restorative dentistry is to restore the natural function of a tooth and the ability for it to perform its important functions.
  2. Improves the appearance- Restorative dentistry helps restore your smile back to its original healthy appearance and function.
  3. Prevent decay- Restorative dentistry prevents future dental problems by controlling and treating cavities, gum disease, and other issues that can contribute to tooth decay over time.
  4. Prevent tooth loss-Porcelain or metal restorations are utilized to prevent tooth loss by helping to maintain the natural shape of your smile and preventing damage to surrounding teeth.
  5. Improve oral health- A healthy mouth leads to better overall health. By improving your oral hygiene and maintaining it with restorative dentistry, you can go on to have a healthier life by preventing dental problems that may have resulted from neglect.
  6. Enhance appearance-Restorative dentistry can be used to improve the aesthetics of your smile by restoring the shape and size of any tooth that may have been damaged or lost. This can help give you more confidence in your smile’s appearance.
  7. Prevent future dental problems-Restorative dentistry can help prevent future dental problems by properly caring for your teeth and preventing the formation of new, potentially serious oral diseases that might not otherwise be found.
  8. Save money-Restorative dentistry helps save you money by preventing further work from being needed in the future. For example, if you don’t treat a problematic tooth early on, the tooth might need to be drilled down or pulled out in the future. Likewise, restorative dentistry can help prevent cavities from forming and spreading to other teeth or parts of your mouth.
  9. Improve overall health- Restorative dentistry can improve overall health by restoring a healthy smile, resulting in better oral hygiene habits and preventing long-term dental issues that might present themselves over time.
  10. Improve self-confidence- Having a beautiful smile can boost your self-confidence. A healthy smile is an integral part of looking and feeling good both inside and out.

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What Happens After You Get a Permanent Denture?

A permanent denture is designed to be worn in place of a missing tooth or teeth. It is constructed specifically for your mouth, so it matches your other teeth, gums, and supporting tissue exactly. This allows the denture restoration to function properly without interference from surrounding teeth or gums.


This is all that you need to know about Restorative Dentistry in Carstairs, AB. If you need help and have been looking for dental offices in Carstairs, then Carstairs dental is your one-stop solution.